Missouri journalism faculty, graduate students and alumni to present at AEJMC 2021 virtual conference

Columbia, Mo. (July 27, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present 70 peer-reviewed research papers at the virtual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Aug.4-7.
Among the top awards:
- AEJMC Equity & Diversity Award awarded to University of Missouri School of Journalism.
- 2021 Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in Research awarded to Glen T. Cameron, Professor Emeritus, Missouri School of Journalism
- Outstanding Woman in Journalism and Mass Communication Education awarded to Associate Professor Amanda Hinnant, MA ’99
- Lionel C. Barrow, Jr. Award for Distinguished Achievement in Diversity Research and Education awarded to Earnest Perry, PhD ’98, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
- AEJMC History Division Hazel Dicken-Garcia Award awarded to Claire Rounkles, BJ ’18, current doctoral student
- Best Practices Teaching Skills Courses Online First Place Paper Professor Amy Simons, BJ ’99, MS ’19, for “Holding a Monthly Web Strategy Meeting
- AEJMC Visual Communication Teaching Excellence Award awarded to T.J. Thomson, PhD ’18, MA ’15
In addition, more than 50 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders during the four-day conference.
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.
Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students, and alumni are identified in bold face.
AEJMC Committee Officers
- Commission on the Status of Minorities Chair, Cathy Jackson, PhD ’04, Norfolk State University
AEJMC Committee Members
- Committee on Career Development
- (2024) Frank Russell, PhD ’16, California State University, Fullerton
- Committee on Professional Freedom and Responsibility
- Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Michican State University
- Committee on Teaching
- (2022), Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, University of North Texas
- Council of Affiliates Taskforce
- Shuhua Zhou, University of Missouri
- Membership Committee
- Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17, University of Tennessee
- Publications Committee
- (2023), Shahira Fahmy, PhD ’03, American University in Cairo
- Chair, Earnest Perry, PhD ’98, University of Missouri
- Research Committee
- Chair, Maria Len-Rios, PhD ’02, University of Georgia
- Taskforce for the Creation of a Commission on Graduate Education
- Saleem Alhabash, PhD ’11, Michigan State University
- Janice Hume, PhD ’97, University of Georgia
AEJMC Division Officers
- Advertising Division
- Special Topics Chair, Saleem Alhabash, PhD ’11, Michigan State University
- Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Webmaster, Roma Subramanian, PhD ’16, Nebraska
- Communication Technology Division (CTEC)
- Research Chair, Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Kansas
- Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- PF&R Chair, Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Wayne State
- International Communication Division
- Secretary, Zhaoxi (Josie) Liu, MA ’04, Trinity University
- History Division
- Newsletter Editor, Rachel Grant, PhD ’18, University of Florida
- Webmaster, Keith Greenwood,,PhD ’06, University of Missouri
- Magazine Media Division
- Head, Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17, University of Tennessee
- Newspaper and Online News Division
- Research Co-Chair, Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, University of Colorado-Boulder
- PF&R Chair, David Wolfgang, PhD ’16, Colorado State University
- Visual Communication Division
- Research Chair, Yung Soo Kim, MA ’03, Kentucky
- Visual Communication Quarterly News Editor, T.J. Thomson, PhD ’18, MA ’15, Queensland University of Technology
Interest Group Officers
- Community Journalism Interest Group
- Teaching Chair, Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16, East Tennessee State
- Newsletter Editor, Nick Mathews, MA ’19, Minnesota
- Graduate Student IG Division
- Research Chair, Erika Schneider, Missouri School of Journalism
- Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Research Chair, You Li, PhD ’12, Eastern Michigan University
AEJMC Commissions
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Secretary, Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16, East Tennessee State University
- Advertising
- The Role of Perceived Interactivity and User Gratifications to Use Live-Streaming Commerce Eunsin Joo and Jing Yang, MA ’19, Loyola Chicago
- Why Do We Click on Clickbait? Read on to Find Out Why Persuasion Knowledge Matters Emily Buteau, Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, and Soojung Kim, North Dakota
- Realistic Skin vs. Flawless Skin: An Investigation of the Appeal of Retouch-free Advertising Tingting Yang, Chen Lou, and Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological
- First Place Special Topics Paper Award Winner: Social Media Advertising and Big Data at the Intersection: A Diversity Perspective to Interdisciplinary Communication Ye Wang, PhD ’11, Missouri-Kansas City; Huan Chen, Florida; Srichakradhar Reddy Nagireddy, BelowFive; and Yugyung Lee, Missouri-Kansas City
- “Do Good and Be ‘Liked’”: Corporate Messaging on Social Media During COVID-19 and Consumer Responses Jing Yang, MA ’19, Loyola University Chicago, Ebbe Bertellotti, Chicago, Ava Francesca Battocchio, Michigan State University, Camila Teran, Loyola University Chicago
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
- Teaching Panel Session Best Practices: Teaching Skills Courses Online, First Place Paper: Hold a Monthly Web Strategy Meeting Amy B. Simons, BJ ’99, MS ’19, Missouri
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Rebel! Rebel! How Megan Rapinoe’s Celebrity Activism Forges New Paths for Athletes Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, Gwendelyn Nisbett, and Karen Weiller-Ables, North Texas
- Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Third Place Top Student Paper: Cultural Competence in Health Communication: A Concept Explication Evgeniia Belobrovkina, Missouri
- Extended Abstract * The Prevalence of Design Features Known to Hinder the Processing of Drug Risks and Side-Effects: A Content Analysis of TV Ads for Prescription Drugs Viorela Dan and Stephanie Van Stee, Missouri–St. Louis
- Extended Abstract * Closing the Barn Door? Fact-checkers as Retroactive Gatekeepers of the Covid-19 “Infodemic” Jane B. Singer, PhD ’96, City University of London
- Extended Abstract * Mapping Risk and Benefit Perceptions of Energy Sources: Comparing Public and Expert Mental Models Shirley Ho, Peihan Yu, Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, and Agnes Chuah, Nanyang Technological
- Extended Abstract * When Do People Wear a Mask in Pandemic? An Integration of TPB and EPT Surin Chung, Ohio, Suman Lee, North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Euirang Lee, MA ’18, Ohio
- Second Place Top Faculty Paper: Facing the Strain: The Persuasive Effects of Conversion Messages on COVID-19 Vaccination Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions Jeff Conlin, Michelle Baker, Bingbing Zhang, Heather Shoenberger, PhD ’14, and Fuyuan Shen, Pennsylvania State
- Communication Technology Division
- “Live” Together with You: Livestream Views Mitigate the Effects of Loneliness on Well-being Zhang Hao Goh, Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, and Bin Ng, Nanyang Technological University
- More Gay Dating Apps Use, More Depressive Symptoms: Exploring How Masculinity Consciousness and Internalized Homophobia Influenced Gay Men in China Dongya Wang and Yang Liu, MA ’12, Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Extended Abstract * Media Trust and Comment Argument Strength’s Effects on Journalist Credibility David Wolfgang, PhD ’16, Colorado State and Manu Bhandari, PhD ’15, Arkansas State
- The Status of Social Media Related Public Relations Research: A Systematic Review of Articles Published in 14 Journals from 2006 to 2018 Yuan Wang, City University of Hong Kongand Yang Cheng, PhD ’17, North Carolina State
- Correct Me if I’m Wrong: The Role of In-group Dynamics in Correcting Misinformation Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, James Lee, Xin Ping Lee, Yu Xuan Joycelyn Teo, and Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological
- Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- I, We, You, or They? Language Styles in Political Discussion on Twitter Lingshu Hu, Missouri
- Reshaping the Spheres: An Essay on the New Normative Role of Gatekeeping Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, and Toby Hopp, Colorado-Boulder
- Extended Abstract * A Systematic Method of Cataloging Civic Information Infrastructure Ava Francesca Battocchio, Michigan State; Christopher Etheridge, Kansas; Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Moldir Moldagaliyeva, Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice, and Chuqing Dong, Michigan State; Kelley Cotter, Arizona State; Yingying Chen, Michigan State and Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern
- Focus Groups in Communication, Journalism, and Media Research: A Reappraisal Martin Johannes Riedl, Gina Chen, and Tamar Wilner, MA ’18, Texas at Austin
- Community Journalism Interest Group
- Top Student Paper: Print Imprint: The Connection Between the Physical Newspaper and Self Nick Mathews, MA ’19, Minnesota
- Cultural and Critical Studies Divison
- A Reckoning in Journalism Education: Examining the Approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Journalism Syllabi Azeta Hatef, Emerson and Sara Shaban, PhD ’20, Seattle Pacific
- Extended Abstract * Dead and Back to Life: “The Eight Hundred” in the Field of Power Zhaoxi Liu, MA ’04, Trinity
- Electronic News Division
- Production and Improvisation: Digital Native News Video as an Emerging Narrative Style Mary Bock, Robert Richardson, Christopher T. Assaf and Dariya Tsyrenzhapova, MA ’18, Texas at Austin
- Longitudinal Study of Social Media Policies in U.S. Television Newsrooms Anthony Adornato, MA ’12 and Allison Frisch,Ithaca
- Graduate Student Interest Group
- Boosting Texts: Improving Text Classification Performance on Small-Sized, Imbalanced Datasets Lingshu Hu, Missouri
- International Communication Division
- International Migrants and COVID-19 Vaccinations: Social Media, Motivated Information Management & Vaccination Willingness Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Yuchen Liu, Muhammad Ittefaq, Fatemeh Shayesteh, Ursula Kamanga, and Annalise Baines, Kansas
- What is Ethical in Entrepreneurial Journalism? Fitria Andayani, Missouri
- Extended Abstract * Normative Expectations for Social Media Platforms Natalie Jomini Stroud and Tamar Wilner, MA ’18, Texas at Austin
- Extended Abstract * Assessing the Role Performance of Solutions Journalism in a Global Pandemic You Li, Eastern Michigan
- Extended Abstract * How Does Ethical Ideology Affect Behavioral Intention to Wear a Mask in Pandemic? Surin Chung, Ohio; Eunjin Kim, PhD ’15, Southern California; Suman Lee, North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Euirang Lee, MA ’18, Ohio
- Law and Policy Division
- Thirty Years After Chandler v. Florida: Chauvin Trial Shows Flaws in “Cameras in the Courts” Michael Martinez, PhD ’12, Tennessee
- Mass Communication and Society Division
- Avoiding Real News, Believing in Fake News? Investigating Pathways from Fake News Exposure to Misbelief Edson Tandoc Jr. ,,PhD ’13, and Hye Kyung Kim, Nanyang Technological University
- The Growing Influence of Political Ideology in Shaping Health Behavior in the United States Mugur Geana, PhD ’06, Kansas; Nathaniel Rabb, and Steven Sloman, Brown
- News Literacy, Conspiratorial Thinking, and Political Orientation in the 2020 U.S. Election Seth Ashley, PhD ’11, Boise State; Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana-Southeast; Melissa Tully, Iowa and Emily Vraga, Minnesota
- First Place, Open Competition Paper: Informational, Infrastructural and Emotional Labor: The Extra Work in a News and Broadband Desert Nick Mathews, MA ’19, Minnesota and Christopher Ali, Virginia
- Extended Abstract * Effective Health Risk Communications: Lessons Learned about COVID-19 Pandemic through the Lens of Practitioners Taylor Voges, Georgia; LaShonda Eaddy, Southern Methodist; Shelley Spector, Museum of Public Relations and Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia
- Extended Abstract * Exploring the Information Authentication Acts of Experts, Environmentalists, and the Public in Southeast Asia Agnes Chuah, Shirley Ho, Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, and Peihan Yu, Nanyang Technological
- Change is the Only Constant: Young Adults as Platform Architects and the Consequences for News Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, and Ava Francesca Battocchio, Michigan State
- Media Ethics Division
- Ethical Organizational Listening in Issues Management for Stakeholder Engagement and Moral Responsibility Shannon Bowen, South Carolina and Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor
- Moral Orientations and Traits of Public Relations Exemplars Patrick Plaisance, Pennsylvania State; Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor and Jin Chen, Pennsylvania State
- Moral Foundations in Life Narratives of Emerging Adults in Media-Related Fields David Craig, PhD ’97, Oklahoma; Katie Place, Quinnipiac; Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, and Patrick Plaisance, Pennsylvania State; Chris Roberts, Alabama; Ryan Thomas and Casey Yetter, Oklahoma and Jin Chen, Pennsylvania State
- Media Management, Economics, and Entrepreneurship Division
- First Place Faculty Paper: Predicting Twitter Engagement with the Oscar-Winning Parasite: Through the Theoretical Lens of Country-of-Origin Dam Hee Kim, Arizona; Kyung Jung Han, PhD ’16, California State, Bakersfield and Sungchul Lee, Grand Valley State
- Nothing Routine: Television News Management’s Response to COVID-19, Organizational Uncertainty, and Changes in News Work Asma Khanom and Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Oklahoma
- What is Fair? How Journalists’ Dual Identity, Resource Conservation, and Power Dynamics Shape Pay Secrecy Culture Fitria Andayani, Missouri
- Minorities and Communication Division
- Constructing and Negotiating Panethnic Professional Identity: The Case of the Asian American Journalists Association Yong Volz and Indah Setiawati, Missouri
- Extended Abstract * A New Conceptual Model for Understanding Interracial Communication Apprehension: How Does Racial Representation in Television-Entertainment Media Impact Interracial Conversation? Farrah Youn-Heil and Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia
- Fifty Years Researching and Raising Awareness About Minorities and Communication: The Story of MAC’s Scholarship George Daniels, Alabama and Lillie Fears, PhD ’97, Arkansas State
- Extended Abstract * Race/Ethnicity, Online Information & COVID-19 Vaccination: Study of Minority Immigrants’ Internet Use for Health-related Information Annalise Baines, Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Muhammad Ittefaq, Ursula Kamanga, Fatemeh Shayesteh, and Yuchen Liu, Kansas
- Newspaper and Online News Division
- #BREAKING in L.A.: Twitter Use in a Regional News Market Frank Russell, PhD ’16, Miquel Hernandez, and Korryn Sanchez, California State–Fullerton
- What You See and What You Think: Exploring News-ness Perceptions and News Media Repertoires in Singapore Jingwei Zheng and Edson Tandoc Jr. (PhD 13), Nanyang Technological
- How Journalists Think About the First Amendment Vis-à-Vis Their Coverage of Hate Groups Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State; Jon Peters, Georgia; Brett Johnson and Leslie Klein, MA ’21, Missouri
- Elephant in the room: A study of the impact of emotional experiences on burnout among Chinese reporters Lei Guo, PhD ’20, Nebraska Omaha
- First Place Open Competition Paper Award Winner: “I Didn’t Know How We Were Going to Survive”: COVID-19’s Disruption of U.S. Community Newspapers Teri Finneman, PhD ’15, Kansas; Will Mari, Louisiana State, and Ryan Thomas, Missouri
- Third Place Open Competition Paper Award Winner: How Partisan is Partisan? Media Framing of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act Amanda Comfort, MA ’20, Beverly Horvit, PhD ’99, and Camille McManus, BJ ’20, Missouri
- Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Understanding Social Media in Journalism Practice: A Typology Muhammad Fahad Humayun and Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder
- Working Together? Contributing and Adopting Citizen Visuals From the Lens of Social Media Usage, Perception, and Visual Attributes Deborah Chung, Hyun Ju Jeong and Yung Soo Kim, MA ’03, Kentucky
- Political Communication Division
- Tracking Moral Divergence with DDR in Presidential Debates Over 60 Years Mengyao Xu and Lingshu Hu, Missouri
- Public Relations Division
- What Do You Mean by Doing the Right Thing?: Examining Corporate Social Advocacy Frames and Transparency Efforts in Fortune 500 Companies’ Website Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, and Emma Whitehouse, Drexel
- Public Communication in the Age of Fake News Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, Pei Wen Wong, Chen Lou, Hyunjin Kang, and Shruti Malviya, Nanyang Technological
- Religion and Media Interest Group
- Second Place Faculty Paper: From Lifestyle Journalism to General News: Field Theory in the Hard News Turn of Religion Reporting Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, and Kathryn Montalbano, Appalachian State
- Scholastic Journalism Division
- Teaching Data Science through Storytelling: Improving Undergraduate Data Literacy You Li, PhD ’12, Eastern Michigan; Ye Wang, PhD ’11, and Yugyung Lee, Missouri-Kansas City Huan Chen, Florida; Alexis Nicolle Petri, Missouri-Kansas City
- Sports Communication Interest Group
- eSports as a News Specialty Gold Rush: Communication Ecology in the Domination of Traditional Journalism Over Lifestyle Journalism Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State and Mildred Perreault, PhD ’16, East Tennessee State
- Visual Communication Division
- Cross-Platform Visual Framing: Climate Visuals on News Websites and Twitter Yimeng Sun, New York University; Hiu Yan Ping, Lei Guo, PhD ’20, Boqi Chen, and David Assefa Tofu, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Extended Abstract * What “Lens-Based Workers” Are Owed: An Exploration of the Photo Bill of Rights Keith Greenwood, PhD ’06, Ryan Thomas and Cory Macneil, Missouri
- Extended Abstract * Ye Olde Europa Gin Mill: How War Looked in Isolationist Cartoons of 1941 Darryl Frazier and Fred Vultee, PhD ’07, Wayne State
- Revealing the Veil in Internet Memes and GIFs: A Comparative Framing and Stereotyping Analysis Omneya Ibrahim, Texas at Austin, and Shahira Fahmy, PhD ’03, American University in Cairo
Moderators, Discussants, Panelists and Workshop Leaders
- Saleem Alhabash, PhD ’11, Michigan State
- Ayleen Cabas-Mijares, PhD ’19, Marquette
- Yang Cheng, PhD ’17, City University of Hong Kong
- Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois
- David Craig, PhD ’97, Oklahoma
- Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas
- Shahira Fahmy, PhD ’03, American University in Cairo
- Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder
- Teri Finneman, PhD ’15, Kansas
- Mugur Geana, PhD ’06, Kansas
- Julien Gorbach, PhD ’13, Hawaii-Manoa
- Rachel Grant, PhD ’18, Florida
- Kyung Jung Han, PhD ’16, California State
- Elizabeth Hendrickson, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Beverly Horvit, PhD ’99, Missouri (KTA Executive Director)
- Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Wayne State
- Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia
- Joe Jones, Missouri
- Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17, Tennessee
- Eunjin Kim, PhD ’15, Southern California
- Brett Johnson, Missouri
- Lisa D. Lenoir, Missouri
- Maria E. Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Georgia
- Zhaoxi Liu, MA ’04, Trinity
- Monique Luisi, Missouri
- Nick Mathews, MA ’19, Minnesota
- Andrew Mendelson, PhD ’97, CUNY
- Marlene S. Neill, MA ’07, Baylor
- Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State
- Mildred Perreault, PhD ’16, East Tennessee State
- Richard Picard, PhD ’83, University of Oxford
- Frank Russell, PhD ’16, California State, Fullerton
- Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder
- Erika Schneider, Missouri
- Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Kansas
- Sara Shipley Hiles, Missouri
- Heather Shoenberger, PhD ’14, Pennsylvania State
- Yung Soo Kim, MA ’03, Kentucky
- Roma Subramanian, PhD ’16, Nebraska
- Edson Tandoc Jr., PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University
- Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Ryan Thomas, Missouri
- Yong Volz, Missouri
- Ginny Whitehouse, PhD ’97, Eastern Kentucky
- Lee Wilkins, Missouri
- Tamar Wilner, MA ’18, Texas at Austin
- David Wolfgang, PhD ’16, Colorado State
- Jing Yang, MA ’19, Loyola Chicago
- Shuhua Zhou, Missouri
Updated: July 31, 2021