Faculty, Students, Alumni to Present Research at International Communication Association in Japan
Doctoral Student, Faculty Member Earns Top Paper’ Honors, More Than 2,500 Scholars Expected to Attend
Columbia, Mo. (May 23, 2016) — A Missouri School of Journalism doctoral student and a faculty member have earned top paper honors for studies that will be presented at the 66th annual International Communication Association conference in Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13.

Earning the Top Student Paper award, Yang Cheng’s research on the interplay of news media and public relations regarding the 2014 General Motors recall crisis is among the 550 presentations that will be presented by an estimated 2,500 scholars from more than 40 countries.
A paper by Associate Professor Tim Vos is one of the top three faculty papers. His study is on the journalistic roles in civic and everyday life. The first, second or third rankings will be announced at the conference.
The School’s faculty, students and alumni will be well represented at the conference, presenting almost 50 papers and serving in numerous leadership roles as session chairs, respondents and panel participants.
This year’s ICA conference promises to be one of the largest in the organization’s history, according to organizers. The meeting’s theme, Communicating with Power, is aimed at raising the group’s profile in communicating effectively with not only government agencies and corporate players, but also civil society and grassroots organizations.
Current faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face. Missouri journalism degrees are listed for alumni.
Communication History Division
- Players and Contestation Mechanisms in the Journalism Field: A Historical Analysis of Journalism Awards, 1960s-2000s, Joy Jenkins, doctoral student; Yong Volz, associate professor.
- Politicized Communication: Movements, Ideology, and Modernity. Leading the Second Wave into the Third Wave: Women Journalists and Discursive Continuity of Feminism. Yong Volz, associate professor; Teri Finneman, MA ’10, PhD ’15, South Dakota State.
Communication and Technology Division
- Big Data and Networks: Connecting Communities, Organizations, and Reviews. Game of Cues: The Interplay Between Star Ratings, Number of Reviews, and Product Reviews in Online Shopping for Health Products. Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Webster; Zongyuan Wang, Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Shelly Rodgers, professor.
- Exploring Online Communities. Reimagining Internet Geographies Through Usage: An Ethnological Approach. Harsh Taneja, assistant professor; Angela Xiao Wu, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- News and Social Media. Tweeting and Commenting About Ferguson: National and Local Perspectives. Joshua Hawthorne, doctoral student, communication; Esther Thorson, professor; Mitchell McKinney, professor, communication; Kellie Stanfield, doctoral student.
Game Studies Division
- Beyond Lora: Female Gender in Games. Femme Fatales: The Developing Identity of the Feminine in Digital Games. Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16; Greg Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State; Joy Jenkins, doctoral student; Ariel Morrison.
Health Communication Division
- Antismoking/Antidrinking: High Density Panel in Health Communication. Message Persuasiveness and Audience Selection: How Argument Strength Shapes Smokers’ Selective Exposure to Antismoking Messages. Hyun Suk Kim, Pennsylvania; Sungkyoung Lee, assistant professor; Joseph Cappella, Pennsylvania.
- Antismoking Health Messages and News. Real-World Data Help Contextualize Content Analysis Findings on Newspaper Editorial Characteristics About Tobacco Control. Kellie Stanfield, doctoral student; Shelly Rodgers, professor.
- Emotions in Health Narratives: Methods, Processes, and Interventions. Paul Bolls, associate professor.
- Holistic, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine and Therapies. The Role of Doulas in Enhancing Patient-Provider Communication. Gabriela Renteria-Poepsel, Health Literacy Missouri; Wai Shien Cheah, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville; Mark Poepsel, BJ ’02, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville.
- How Do Uncertainty and Positive Feelings Affect Psychological Quality of Life? The Role of Social Support within a Korean Parkinson’s Disease Patients Online Community. Surin Chung, doctoral student; Eunjin Kim, PhD ’15; Southern Methodist; J. Brian Houston, associate professor, communication.
- The Impact of Risk Perception on Responses to Misleading Food Label Claims. Erika Johnson, MA ’12, doctoral student; Sungkyoung Lee, assistant professor; Namyeon Lee, master’s student.
- Qualitative Studies of Provider-Patient Communication. Patients’ Lived Experiences with Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Interview-Based Study. Roma Subramanian, doctoral, journalism; Abby Rolbiecki, post-doctoral, family and community medicine; Ben Crenshaw, Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16; Kyung Jung Han, PhD ’15, Akron; Daniel Vinson, professor, family and community medicine; Glen Cameron, professor, journalism.
- Vaccine Communication: Childhood, Flu, HPV. Immunize the Vaccine Rumors: Effects of Inoculation Messages and Tone of Voice on HPV Vaccine Compliance. Eun Hae Park, PhD ’14, Virginia Commonwealth; Glen Cameron, professor.
Information Systems Division
- Cognition, Attitude, and Persuasion. Effects of Brand Feedback, Stability, and Controllability of the Cause of the Problem on Brand Attitudes and Purchase Intentions. Manu Bhandari, MA ’10, PhD ’15, Arkansas State; Shelly Rodgers, professor.
- E-Cigs and the “Wild West” of Advertising: Reaching Youth via Social Media and PSI. Erika Johnson, MA ’12, doctoral student.
- Important Media and Message Features. Differences in Processing of Interactive Infographics on Different Screen Sizes and Interface Types. Rachel Davis, PhD ’15; Russell Clayton, PhD ’15, Florida State; Esther Thorson, professor.
- Message Processing and Effects. Rating the News: How Expert and Lay Opinion Influence Source Credibility. David Wolfgang, doctoral student; Samuel Tham, MA ’15, doctoral student.
- Motivated Cognition and Behavior. Trait Motivational Reactivity Across the Life Cycle Predicts News Media use. Annie Lang, Indiana; Paul Bolls, associate professor.
- Online Communities and Media Technologies. How Website Formats Shape Public Attention on the World Wide Web? Harsh Taneja, assistant professor; Angela Xiao Wu, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Processing Political and News Information in an Age of Entertainment and Overload. How New Is the Millennial News Landscape? Exploring the Generational Divide in Digital News Consumption. Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern; Harsh Taneja, assistant professor; Angela Xiao Wu, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Processing Stories, Films and Music. Memories from a Binger: An Experimental Investigation of Viewing Experience and Product Placement Recall. Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD 14, Oregon.
- The Role of Emotion in Information Processing. Feeling the Candidates: The Impact of Presidential Candidate Emotions on Voter Responses Paul Bolls, associate professor; Namyeon Lee, master’s student; Jonathan Hambacker, senior, journalism; Lydia Meyer, senior, engineering; Terry Britt, doctoral student; Mingmin Xuan, master’s student; Yitian Gu, master’s student; Congrong (Cecelia) Zheng, senior; Lauren Flaker, senior, secondary education.
Interpersonal Communication
- Interpersonal Communication in Families. Let’s Talk About Sex: An Examination into Parent/Child Communication and College Students’ Sex Conversations. Kelli Stanfield, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies
- Credibility and Trust in News. Through the Truth Goggles: An Experimental Investigation of Perceived Credibility and Quality with the Use of a Fact-Checking Prototype. Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD 14, Oregon; Glenn Leshner, professor emeritus, Oklahoma; Esther Thorson, professor.
- Digital News: What It Is and How to Understand It. Connect and Engage: Civic Journalism Values and Newsroom Norms in the Digital Era. Melissa Tully, Iowa; Shawn Harmsen, Iowa; Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University London; Brian Ekdale, Iowa.
- Journalistic Roles: Perception, Performance, Identity. Journalistic Roles and the Struggle Over Professional Identity: The Discursive Constitution of Journalism. Thomas Hanitzsch, LMU Munich; Tim Vos, associate professor.
- Making Journalism: How Journalists Produce the News. The GamerGate Scandal and Journalistic Paradigm Maintenance. Greg Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State; Tim Vos, associate professor.
- Metajournalism and Media Ethics. Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois; Ryan Thomas, assistant professor.
- Money Matters: How Journalists Perceive the Effects of a Weak Market Orientation. Patrick Ferrucci, Colorado-Boulder.
- Reporting on Disaster and Conflict. Journalists Are Humans, Too: A Phenomenology of Covering the Strongest Storm on Earth. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State.
- TOP THREE FACULTY PAPER AWARD. Theorizing Journalism. Journalism Beyond Democracy: A New Look Into Journalistic Roles in Civic and Everyday Life. Thomas Hanitzsch, LMU Munich; Tim Vos, associate professor.
- Theorizing Journalism. Transformation of Journalism in a Global Context. Folker Hanusch, Queensland; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, Aristotle of Thessaloniki; Nina Steindl, Ludwig Maximillian Munich.
- Worlds of Journalism: Comparing Journalistic Cultures in Sixty Countries. Professional Identities and Roles of Journalists. Tim Vos, associate professor; Lisbeth E.A.H.M. Hermans, Radboud Nijemegen; Jan Hovden.
Mass Communication Division
- Advances in the Study of Advertising and Branding. Narrative Persuasion: The What, Why, and How of Narrative Advertising. Eunjin Kim, PhD ’15, Southern Methodist; Esther Thorson, professor.
- The Effects of News Framing and Issue Attribution on Chinese College Students’ Responses to Depression Coverage. Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, Georgia; Yuan Zhang, Virginia Commonwealth; Yen-I Lee, Georgia; Yunbing Tang, Fudan.
- Media, Conflict, and Violence. Examining News Stories of IPV: An Experimental Examination of Perpetrator Sex and Violence Severity. Matthew Savage, Kentucky; Sarah Sheff, Michigan State; Emma Richardson, Kentucky; Alexis Pullia, Kentucky; Jennifer Scarduzio, Arizona State; Kellie Carlyle, Virginia Commonwealth; Kate Harris, assistant professor, communication.
- Network Analysis in Mass Communication Research. How Institutions and Culture Shape Global Web Use? Harsh Taneja, assistant professor; James Webster, Northwestern.
- The Study of News and Social Media. Social Media Embeddedness in the Newsroom: Institutional Arrangements and Gatekeeping Adjustments. Clarissa David, Philippines; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Evelyn Katigbak, Philippines.
- TOP STUDENT PAPER. What Generates News Content? Who Is Leading Whom in the General Motors Recall Crisis: Understanding Media Impacts on Public Relations Efforts, Public Awareness, and Financial Markets. Yang Cheng, doctoral student.
Political Communication Division
- Collective Action in the Digital Era. Connecting the Conference Room to the Living Room: Earth Hour, Digital Media, and the Global “Open-Source Campaign,” Luping Wang, Southern California; Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California.
- Michelle Obama, the First Lady of Social Media: The Symbolic Convergence of Social Media Visuals. Newly Paul, Appalachian State; Greg Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State.
- Modeling Partisan Media Effects in the 2014 U.S. Midterm Elections, Benjamin Warner, assistant professor, communication.
- Selective News Exposure and Political Opinions. Role of Racial Attitudes in Selective News Reading and Evaluation. Hess Choi, Missouri; Benjamin Warner, assistant professor, communication.
Public Relations Division
- The Power of Social Media. Corporate WeChat Communication in China: Examining Institutional Factors, Media Richness, Content Type, and Public Engagement. Yi-Ru Regina Chen, Hong Kong Baptist; Yang Cheng, doctoral student; Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, Georgia; Chun-ju Hung-Baesecke, Massey; Chunxiao Li, MA ’04, South China Morning Post.
Sports Communication Interest Group
- Does Contact Matter? How Playing on a Diverse Team Affects Stereotype Application. Jan H. Boehmer, Pennsylvania State, and Patrick Ferrucci, Colorado-Boulder.
Sponsored Session
- Borders, Researching Transnational Media History. Managing China’s Image Through Their Eyes: Co-Optation, Co-Operation and Western Journalists in Wartime China, 1937-1945. Yong Volz, associate professor.
- Complexity of Asian News: Government and Engagement. Questioning Premiers in China: Examining Journalists’ Aggressiveness at Chinese Premiers’ Press Conferences (1993-2015). Feng Wu, associate professor; Jiangnan University; Yang Cheng, doctoral student; Hong Zhao, master’s student.
- Journalism Studies Graduate Student Colloquium. Urban Matters: The Convergence and Contrasts of Journalistic Identity, Organizational Identity, and Community Identity at a City Magazine. Joy Jenkins, doctoral student.
- Role of State-Run Media in a Facade Democracy: Coverage of Presidential Elections in Belarus. Tatsiana Karaliova, doctoral student.
- Respondent, Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois: Oulai Goue, Universite de Montreal. The fabric of a discursive object: The ethics of journalistic practices in times of war.
- Respondent, Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois: Ursula Ohliger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich. The political coverage in German tabloids in the course of time.
- Respondent, Tim Vos, associate professor: Jonas Appelberg, Sodertorn University. Local journalism with the help from Facebook: participatory journalism in a local Swedish context.
- Respondent, Tim Vos, associate professor: Kim Baker, Alabama, Navigating a landscape of changing media: Constructing a roadmap to discover contributors to knowledge gaps.
- Respondent, Tim Vos, associate professor: Journalism Education and Journalism Students.
- Chair: Roma Subramanian, doctoral student: Science and Discourse Studies in Health Communication. Health Communication.
- Chair, Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University London: Can Computers Develop a Nose for News? Journalism Studies.
- Respondent, Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University London: Dani Madrid Morales, City University of Hong Kong, Is positive news, news? News values in a multinational Chinese newsroom.
- Chair, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological: Theorizing Journalism. Journalism Studies.
- Chair, Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California: Understanding Online Political Participation.
- Participant: Yanfang Wu, doctoral student: The Politics and Economics of Chinese New Media Industries. Sponsored Sessions.
Updated: September 25, 2020